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公司名称: Sailnetwork Technology *域名隐藏*  
所在省份: 上海  
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 11 - 50 人 
年销售额: 500万 - 1000万 
主要产品: We have large real stock of Cisco original equipment and new factory sealed including Cisco routers, Cisco switches, Cisco firewalls, IP Phone, GBICs, GLCs, WIC NM network modules, memory & flash, cables, and network kits.  
公司简介: SAIL NETWORK Co.,Ltd is a global supplier of Cisco network equipment and services that reduce the cost of network infrastructure, and is renowned for their customer service and huge supply of robust, cost-effective products. 
Sailnetwork Technology *域名隐藏* / 上海 / 上海市闵行区七莘路3599弄华商时代广场3号楼309室 (201101) / 电话:15000916358

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